Vector Illustrations... IMPRESSIVE!
So these were the finals for Graphic I... these students are putting together many different skills that they have learned so far, and they are doing this for the first time on this kind of scale... they should be really proud of themselves for all the hard work and dedication they showed throughout this project... I know I am!  Click Read More to view the images.  Want to give some feedback?... leave a comment, thanks!
Mr. Dake
1/24/2010 10:25:50 pm

WOW! Incredible work!! It's hard to imagine this came from our young students. There is major potential here for successful careers in graphic design! Special shout outs to my students- Maddy, Jordan and Ezekiel!!!

Mrs. Mercado
1/24/2010 11:02:25 pm

Awesome work!!! Especially to some of my students: Austin, Morgan, Garrett, Erika, & Cory!!

1/27/2010 07:15:58 am

Impressive, dripping with talent! Awesome.

Christian Sanders
1/28/2010 02:36:20 pm

Wicked good stuff, impressive, borderline unbelievable you can do that after one semester of learning!


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