Can You Feel the Love

-Turn this in with your sketchbook

In 1784, a man by the name of Valentin Haüy pressed a coin into the hand of a blind boy outside his church.  The boy, feeling the generous gift might have been a mistake, called out the denomination by the feel of the coin.  Haüy had an epiphany.  He could teach the blind to read based on touch.  Haüy used an alphabet based on Roman letters and began a school for the blind.  A boy named Louis Braille attended the school, and had the idea to use a series of dots, which he felt would be more easily discernable by touch—and so braille was born.  While braille uses a series of dots and dashes to communicate letter forms, our task today is to consider other forms of touch-sensitive communication.  If braille didn’t exist, what alternative forms of touch-sensitive communication could you devise for the following items:  water, movie, danger, president, cat.

Remember, it has to be based on touch, so no sounds, smells, or tastes involved!  Consider how the blind could distinguish these items if they opened a book and these words appeared.

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